Current Issue

Volume: 29 Issue: 2, 8/31/24

Year: 2024


Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (SDUJFEAS) is an international refereed journal that started its publication life in 1996. The aim of the journal is to be a qualified journal that evaluates quality and original studies in accordance with scientific rules and ethics and is preferred in its field.


Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (SDUJFEAS) is an international refereed scientific journal published four times a year in  April, August and December. Special issues can be included if necessary.

The journal is published in Turkish and English. It accepts scientific articles in the fields of economics, business administration, public administration, finance, econometrics, labor economics, law and political science.

Studies submitted for publication must not have been published elsewhere or submitted for publication. After initial evaluation by the editorial board, the manuscripts are sent to referees. The manuscripts are evaluated by at least two referees through blind refereeing. The editorial board decides whether to publish the article in line with the report from the referees, to ask the author to revise the article or not to publish it.

Süleyman Demirel University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is an open access journal. It adopts the principle that making scientific research available to the public free of charge will increase the sharing of knowledge globally. In this context, it accepts the Budapest Open Access Declaration.

Articles submitted to the journal for publication must be prepared in accordance with the rules of research and publication ethics. SDÜİİBFD follows the principles, standards and recommendations of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) and ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) on publication ethics.

All articles submitted for publication are scanned by the Turnitin plagiarism program. Articles with a similarity rate exceeding 20% are not included in the evaluation process and are returned to the author(s).

The opinions in the articles published in the journal are not the opinions of the journal and the full responsibility of the relevant articles belongs to the author / authors.

Article Template (The article template should not include information about the author and authors)

Author and Article Information Form (Title Page)

Copyright Notification Form

Ethical Clearance Information


  1. Manuscripts should be prepared in A4 size in "MS Office Word 2016" or higher version using the journal article template. Articles should be between 6000 and 8000 words (including extended abstract) in journal format and should not exceed 25 pages. Page layout is Left: 1.3 cm, Right: 1.3 cm, Top: 1.3 cm and Bottom: 1.3 cm.
  2. Manuscripts should be typed in 10-point font and "Times New Roman", single-spaced, justified. There should be a one-character space after commas and periods.
  3. Paragraphs should not be indented at the beginning and 6 spaces should be left before and after the paragraph. No additional blank lines should be left between paragraphs.
  4. On the first page of the article, an abstract in Turkish and English should be prepared in Times New Roman font, 9 pt, not less than 150 words and not more than 200 words. At the same time, at least 3 and at most 5 keywords should be written. In addition, at least 1 and at most 4 JEL codes should be specified.
  5. Extended abstracts are requested at the time of initial submission to the journal (Extended abstracts of articles submitted before this decision will be requested during the process). It should be prepared in English for Turkish articles and in Turkish for English articles. It should consist of at least 700 and at most 1000 words. It should not exceed one page in this format. It should include the following subheadings: purpose and problem of the study, methodology, findings, conclusions and recommendations. Each sub-heading should be written as a single paragraph, in Times New Roman, 9 font size, single line spacing, 6 spaces before and after the paragraph and no additional blank lines between the headings.
  6. The main headings and subheadings of the article should be bold and left justified (without indentation) and numbered with decimal numbers such as 1., 1.1.,, 1.1.2., "Introduction", "Conclusion and Discussion" and "References" headings should not be numbered. Introduction and conclusion headings should not be subtitled. All headings should be capitalized. Main headings should be in normal type and subheadings should be italicized. No line space should be left before and after them. They should be written with a single line spacing of 6 pt before and after.
  7. All tables and figures in the article should be shown in the appropriate places in the text, centered on the page or extended appropriately to the page edges. Each table and figure should be given a sequence number (such as Table 1, Figure 2, etc.) in bold font and a title in normal font. The title should be placed above the table and figure, centered on the page, only the initials of the words should be capitalized, in 10 pt. font, and 6 spaces should be left before and after the paragraph. The text in tables and figures should be in Times New Roman, 8-9 font size and single line. All visuals such as graphs, charts, maps, drawings and photographs should be considered as figures. Tables should only have horizontal lines, vertical lines should not be used. All tables and figures must conform to the page layout given above and be easily readable. In tables and figures, explanations and references should be given in 8-point font under the table and figure, leaving 3 spaces before and after the paragraph. There should be no line space before/after the table and figure.
  8. In the article, commas should be used as decimal separators in Turkish studies and periods in English studies. As a thousand separator, a period should be used in Turkish studies and a comma in English studies. In the text of the article, numbers between 0-9 should be expressed in writing, and numbers 10 and above should be written in numerals.
  9. In the article, equations, models and formulas should be written left justified, each of them should be numbered sequentially and the numbers should be written right justified in parentheses. There should be no line spaces before and after equations, models and formulas.
  10. For in-text references and bibliographies, the 7th edition of APA (American Psychological Association) reference style should be used and organized accordingly. In the bibliography, only the references cited in the text should be included with their full tags and all references, regardless of their type, should be organized by author's surname and year.
  11. The bibliography should be written justified, 6 pt. before and after and single-spaced. Indentation; hanging should be set to 1.25 cm.
  12. In the article, bulleted texts should be left justified, with 3 pt space before and after the paragraph.
  13. If the number of words taken directly from a source in the article is below 40 words, the expressions to be quoted should be used in the text by enclosing them in quotation marks and citing the source. When the quotation exceeds 40 words, quotations should be made not in the normal text, but on a new line, indented 1.25 cm from left and right, with 6 spaces before and after the paragraph and citing the source.
  14. Explanatory notes should be written as footnotes at the bottom of the page, justified, 8-point font, Times New Roman font, single line spacing and 0 spaces before and after the paragraph.
  15. If an "appendix" is to be made in the article, the appendices should be included after the bibliography by giving the appendix title (such as Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc.).


Single author

Parenthetical citation: (Özkul, 2021, p. 47) or (Özkul, 2021)

Narrative citation: Gençtürk (2003) or Gençtürk (2003, p. 248)

Two authors

Parenthetical citation: (Çarıkçı and Yıldırım, 2020, p. 306) or (Çarıkçı and Yıldırım, 2020)

Narrative citation: Çarıkçı and Yıldırım (2020) or Çarıkçı and Yıldırım (2020, p. 306)

Three or more authors

Parenthetical citation: (Öztürk et al., 2019, p. 94)

Narrative citation: Öztürk et al. (2019) or Öztürk et al. (2019, p. 94)

Citation to more than one source

(Gençtürk 2003; Çarıkçı and Yıldırım, 2020, p. 306; Özkul, 2021, p. 47)

Citation to secondary source

(Atkinson, 1964, cited in Chen, 2023).

Citing more than one work of an author published in the same year

(Cartwright, 1954a, Cartwright, 1954b, p. 12)

Work with no publication date

(Yılmaz, n.d.)

Internet sources, legislation/journal etc. and references to works with access date

Parenthetical citation:  (Bailey, 2023, September 4)

Narrative citation:  Bailey (2023, September 4)



a) Single author book

Tracy, L. (1989). The living organization: systems of behavior. Praeger Publishers.

Poole, S. (2000). Trigger happy: Videogames and the entertainment revolution (1st ed.). Arcade Publishing.

b) Book with two authors

Schumacker, R., & Lomax, R. (2015). A beginner's guide to structural equation modeling (4th ed.). Routledge.

Ülgen, H., & Mirze, K. (2020). İşletmelerde stratejik yönetim. Beta Yayınları.

c) Book with three or more authors

Hinton, P., McMurray, I., & Brownlow, C. (2014). SPSS explained (2nd ed.). Routledge.


a) Single author article

Gençtürk, M. (2003). Finansal kriz dönemlerinde işletmelerin hisse yoğunluklarının performanslarına etkisi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8(2), 231-251.

Teng, C. I. (2008). Personality differences between online game players and nonplayers in a student sample. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 11(2), 232-234.

b) Article with two authors

Çarıkçı, O., & Yıldırım, A. (2020). Risk odaklı iç denetimin stratejik yönetim anlayışı açısından değerlendirilmesi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Vizyoner Dergisi, 11(26), 302-313.

Holden, R. R., & Fekken, G. C. (1994). The NEO five-factor ınventory in a Canadian context: Psychometric properties for a sample of university women. Personality and Individual Differences, 17(3), 441-444.

c) Article with three or more authors

Öztürk, M. S., Çarıkçı, O., Yaman, B., & Ağaç, S. (2019). Bir konaklama işletmesinde kaynak tüketim muhasebesi uygulaması. Mali Çözüm, 29(153), 89-107.

Keith, M. J., Anderson, G., Gaskin, J., & Dean, D. L. (2018). Team video gaming for team building: Effects on team performance. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, 10(4), 205-231.


a) Dissertations in institutional databases

Özkul, R. F. (2021). Dijital oyun oynayanların kişilik ve değerleri: Z kuşağı üzerine bir araştırma [Yüksek Lisans Tezi]. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi.

Andrus, K. H. (2018). Personality & game design preference: Towards understanding player engagement and behavior [Master’s Thesis]. Lund University.

b) Dissertations accessed from other databases

Parmer, T. (1987). A descriptive study of the career dreams, career decisiveness and career choice of urban black male and female athlete and nonathlete high school students [Publication No. 8721437] [Doctoral dissertation, The University of Iowa]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

Krieger, W. D. (1995). Career activism: The role of individual activity in career management [Publication No. 9609214] [Doctoral dissertation, New York University]. ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

Translated Book

Huizinga, J. (1995). Homo ludens-oyunun toplumsal işlevi üzerine bir deneme (1. Baskı). (M. A. Kılıçbay, Çev.), Ayrıntı Yayınları.

Book Chapter

Haddon, L. (1993). Interactive games. In P. Hayward, & T. Wollen (Ed.), Future visions: New technologies of the screen (p. 123-147). British Film Institute.


Eryılmaz, İ., Uzunbacak, H. H., & Akçakanat, T. (2022). Sağlık çalışanlarında tükenmişlik: Covid-19 öncesinde ve sırasında kıyaslamalı bir araştırma (s. 344-349). 30. Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi. Isparta, Türkiye.

Internet Resources

Eddy, M., & Buzzi, M. (2019). The most niche simulation pc games we could find. retrieved on March 22, 2020.

Bilgi ve İletişim Teknolojileri Kurumu. (2023). Faturalara ilişkin usul ve esaslar. adresinden 22 Haziran 2023 tarihinde alınmıştır.

Media Resources (Movie/Video etc.): 

Darabont, F. (Yönetmen). (1994). The Shawshank Redemption [Film]. Castle Rock Entertainment.

Frampton, S. (2023, Haziran). What did people do before anesthesia? [Video].

Newspaper Articles

Bailey, J. M. (2023, 4 Eylül). 12 video games releasing this fall. The New York Times.

Law/Regulation/International Convention/Court Decisions:

Toplu İş Sözleşmesi, Grev ve Lokavt Kanunu. (1963, 24 Temmuz).

Dış Ticarette Teknik Düzenlemeler Yönetmeliği. (2023, 9 Ağustos).

  • Süleyman Demirel University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (SDUJFEAS) observes and acts in accordance with the principles, standards and recommendations of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) and ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors). Therefore, articles submitted for publication in SDÜİİBFD must comply with international ethical standards.
  • Süleyman Demirel University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is an open access journal and accepts the Budapest Open Access Declaration.
  • Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC). Therefore, the relevant source may therefore be copied, distributed, transformed and reused for non-commercial purposes, provided that proper attribution is given.
  • All articles submitted for publication in Süleyman Demirel University Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences are scanned by the Turnitin plagiarism program.
Ethical Responsibilities of Referees
  • A referee who is not sufficiently qualified to review the manuscript or who knows that he or she will not be able to review the manuscript quickly should inform the editor and apologize for the review process.
  • Referees are obliged to keep the manuscripts they receive confidential and not to use the information obtained from the review process for their personal benefit.
  • Referees should not share review reports or information about the manuscript with others and should not communicate directly with authors without the editor's permission.
  • Referees should be attentive to potential ethical issues in the manuscript and bring them to the attention of the editor. This includes substantive similarity and overlap between the manuscript under review and any other published work of which the reviewer has personal knowledge.
  • Reviewing should be done objectively. There should be no personal criticism of the authors, and reviews should be constructive, honest and polite.
  • Referees should consult with the editor before agreeing to review a manuscript in which they have a potential conflict of interest arising from a competitive, collaborative or other relationship or connection with any of the authors.
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
  • Authors should declare the accuracy of any information provided during the application process and should not make misleading, false or incomplete statements.
  • Authors should not have published or submitted their manuscripts for publication elsewhere.
  • Authors must cite the sources of all quotations used in their articles.
  • The authors declare that the article is their own work, that they have not plagiarized in any way, that all responsibilities arising from plagiarism belong to them and that the journal has no responsibility in this regard.
  • Authors should undertake that they have made a scientific contribution to the article and it should be recognized that all authors have equal responsibility for the article.
  • The corresponding author should undertake that all co-authors mentioned in the article consent to publication and to be named as co-authors. All persons who have made significant contributions to the study should be named as co-authors. Other people should be included in the acknowledgments section.
  • Authors are obliged to declare the institutions/organizations supporting the submitted work, financial resources or conflict of interest.
  • Authors should provide access to the data sets included in the article if deemed necessary.
  • Authors should prepare the articles they submit for publication in the journal in accordance with the rules of research and publication ethics. Separate ethics committee approval must be obtained for the research conducted and for clinical and experimental human and animal studies that require ethics committee approval, and this approval must be stated and documented in the article.
Ethical Responsibilities of Editors
  • Editors decide on the publication of articles by taking into account their originality and contribution to the scientific literature.
  • Editors strive to keep the referee pool wide and up-to-date.
  • Editors help to correct errors, inconsistencies or misdirections in the articles.
  • Editors submit articles by taking into account the specialties of the field editors and referees, and support unbiased and independent evaluations.
  • Editors prevent unscientific and unscientific evaluations that do not comply with academic rules.
  • The editorial board decides which articles will be published in the journal. The editorial board evaluating the manuscripts of the authors should evaluate the manuscripts independently of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnicity, citizenship or political philosophy. The decision should be based on the accuracy, validity and significance of the article and the appropriateness of the scope of the journal. Existing legal requirements regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism should also be taken into account.
  • The editor or any editorial board member should not disclose information about an article to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisors, and publishers.
  • Unpublished material described in a submitted manuscript should not be used in the editor's or editorial board's own research without the express written permission of the author.

Is ethics committee approval required for all articles?

No. It is stated in the criteria as articles that require "Ethics Committee Permission".

Researches that require Ethics Committee permission are as follows.

  • All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
  • Use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
  • Clinical trials in humans,
  • Research on animals,
  • Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data,


  • Stating that the "informed consent form" has been obtained in case presentations,
  • Obtaining and indicating permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires, photographs belonging to others,
  • Stating that copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.

Should retrospective Ethics Committee Permission be obtained for publications produced from studies and theses completed in previous years?

  • Before 2020, retrospective ethics committee permission is not required for articles that used research data, produced from master's / doctoral studies (must be specified in the article), applied for publication to the journal in the previous year, accepted but not yet published.

With these rules of the TR Dizin, is there a restriction on publications made outside universities?

No, it does not. Independent researchers can also apply to the Ethics Committees in their regions.

  • In articles to be published in journals, it should be stated in the article whether ethics committee permission and/or legal/private permission is required. In studies requiring ethics committee permission, information about the permission (from which institution, on which date and with which decision or number number the permission was obtained) should be clearly presented and should be included in the method section and also on the first/last page of the article.

Within the scope of the information given above, it should be stated in the article whether ethics committee permission and/or legal/private permission is required for research article submissions to our journal. If it is necessary to obtain these permissions, it should be clearly presented from which institution, on which date and with which decision or issue number the permission was obtained and the relevant documents should be submitted to the journal management during the application.

All expenses of the journal are covered by the Istanbul University. Processing and publication are free of charge with the journal. There is no article processing charges or submission fees for any submitted or accepted articles.